Search ranking simplified

SEO Makeover

Dedicate a single day to your SEO and we can turn your ranking up a few notches.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a range of tactics used to raise your ranking in search engine like Google. This is a balance of technical requirements and a high performing user experience on your website.

Crafting your SEO strategy

First up, we make a clear plan for your SEO future, how you'll create content for the future, and tweaks we could make to your website, to deliver the best experience to keep people sticking around. We'll also decide what key words and phrases are best for you, based on what your target audience would search.

Remedying the past

I'll take over and fix any issues you have from the past, all the technical requirements left empty or not optimised. This is often the most procrastinated part of the process, so I take it off the to-do list for you.

A guide for the future

I leave you with a suite of videos, to show you how to keep up your SEO admin over time, so as your website naturally expands, you keep everything optimised.

Showing up where people are looking

When people are searching online, they are in a position where they know they have a problem, and they are actively searching for a solution. Let's give it to them!

I do all the research for you, so you don't have to find those opportunities, I've got you covered. We want you to show up whenever people are searching for something you can answer for, without any advertising spend.

Everything we do is designed around your customers, what they need, and how you’ll show your value as a business. 

Take SEO off your shoulders

You can take SEO off of your big to-do list and turn it into an integrated part of everything you do moving forward in small ways.

You'll be free to keep SEO in mind when you create blog content, or make a new page on your website, without it filling you with an overwhelming sense of dread.

Don't just take my word for it...

"This Strategy Day gave me the tools to create future monthly social media strategies for my brand.The experience was solid. I felt that I was getting well researched information and you met me in where I was without judgement."


Social Media Strategy Day

“Emma was initially approachable and interactive, listening to our needs and reacting in a timely manner. She has carried out research to assist our ideas and brings new concepts with a creative and dynamic approach. Emma’s involvement has been cost-effective as she has become an integral part of our marketing team, embracing our business growth and culture.”


Consulting and services client

Emma is amazing and so knowledgeable! The courses and offerings through Honey Pot Digital offer so much value and practical advice that you can put into effect right away.

Meg McConnell

SEO for Web Designers Student

"This Strategy Day gave me the tools to create future monthly social media strategies for my brand.The experience was solid. I felt that I was getting well researched information and you met me in where I was without judgement."


Social Media Strategy Day

“Emma was initially approachable and interactive, listening to our needs and reacting in a timely manner. She has carried out research to assist our ideas and brings new concepts with a creative and dynamic approach. Emma’s involvement has been cost-effective as she has become an integral part of our marketing team, embracing our business growth and culture.”


Consulting and services client

Emma is amazing and so knowledgeable! The courses and offerings through Honey Pot Digital offer so much value and practical advice that you can put into effect right away.

Meg McConnell

SEO for Web Designers Student

“I am blown away by the content in this course... And Emma’s checklists are absolutely invaluable! This adds a whole new offering to my skillset.”


SEO for Web Designers Student

“Highly recommend this course! The information was really helpful and gave me so much to think about... I absolutely loved the planning downloads and launch checklists, as well as Emma’s way of breaking down big concepts into more applicable chunks.”


SEO for Web Designers Student

Emma is amazing and so knowledgeable! The courses and offerings through Honey Pot Digital offer so much value and practical advice that you can put into effect right away.

Meg McConnell

SEO for Web Designers Student

Stop avoiding your SEO

We'll balance done for you fixes, with providing you the skills you need to move ahead for the future, so you can take charge of your search rankings.

Starting from $2,400


On a discovery call, we spend 45 minutes discussing your goals and needs, to decide whether this is the right fit for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is my time commitment?

You'll complete a questionnaire about your business, the search habits of your ideal audience, and let me know your level of understanding of SEO. This will likely take around half an hour if you've already got some ideas of how you want SEO to work for you, or up to an hour if you have some thinking to do.

Then you'll book a 90 minute strategy call. After that, I'll finish your makeover, and your SEO time will be incorporated in to your content time in the future.

How much can I fit in?

Ahead of the makeover, I'll review your onboarding questionnaire to prep, so we can hit the ground running. After our 90 minute strategy call, I'll get to work making edits to all the tiny little details on your site for the rest of the day. The amount of changes that can be made will differ slightly based on the platform you use and what's possible. Your makeover will be priced based on the volume of work to be done, and we will discuss my plan during our strategy call.

I'm not sure if this is what I need... help?

Book a discovery call and Emma will give you advice on what your next step should be, whether that’s a Strategy Day, a service, a course or something else entirely.

Book a discovery call

On this call, we spend 45 minutes discussing your goals and needs, to decide whether an SEO makeover is the right fit for you.

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